Honest endorsement and review of our services and tests - straight from our beloved customers, colleagues, and students.
A global provider of geotechnical services, we offer expert personnel and state-of-the-art resources, testing methods, and laboratories. With our unrivaled global network and experience, we are the first choice for civil engineering contractors, consultants, manufacturers, and government agencies from the Indian subcontinent.

From esteemed and beloved,


- Students

- Stakeholders.

Words from our Clients.

Provide excellent Training to our students

Provide excellent Training in Geo-technology

Dr. Sunil D. Shinde

Assistant Professor, Deogiri Institute of Engineering & Management Studies

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Our beloved clientele.
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Words from our Students

Aniket Borse

B.Tech -Civil

Internship with Vatsalya Consulting Services has offered Us the chance to put what we are learning into action, in a real-world environment. This helps us better to understand the theories and strategies which we have been reading about, cementing the learning process and giving us greater focus.

Shivhari Shevatre


Internship with Vatsalya Consulting Services has exposed us to real-world experience – It has offered us a peek into the environment. As an intern for a company, we get hands-on experience of how things work in an office environment. Also, we get an idea of what job role we would like to choose when we join a full-time job.

Shweta Mangaonkar


The purpose of an internship is to provide real-world experience that enables you to put everything you’ve learned into action. An internship has helped us to gain skills that can be applied to future jobs. Internships have offered us the chance to put what we are learning into action, in a real-world environment. This helps us to better understand the theories and strategies we have been reading about, cementing the learning process and giving us greater focus.

Aishwarya Gaikwad


At an internship, we have practiced and improved our industry skills while also learning how to work. We have gained a better understanding of how what we are learning in college can help us in the future. An internship has enabled us to gain first-hand exposure to working in the real world. It has also allowed us to sharp the skill, knowledge, and theoretical practice we learned in Collage. The internship has provided a nice learning curve with little experience in the professional world.

Saraswati Biradar


Working as an intern with Vatsalya Consulting services has given us valuable work experience. The hands-on work experience we as an intern received is invaluable and cannot be obtained in a classroom setting, making this one of the most important benefits of an internship with Vatsalya Consulting Services. We got the opportunity to apply acquired knowledge to real work experiences, witnessing first-hand the day-to-day job duties we can expect to encounter in our chosen field. In addition to learning the specialized skills of a particular field, transferable skills such as communication, teamwork, and computer proficiency are also obtained here.

Aishwarya Sonwane


Exploring is an important part of the college experience, and internships are a great way to acquaint ourselves with the field we are interested in. Some students begin college with a major or career path in mind and end up changing their minds later on. Taking on an internship while in college allows students to work in their desired field, helping them decide if the field is right for them. At the end of graduation, students who interned are more likely to feel confident than any other students.

Mayuri Kanade


One of the most important internship benefits with Vatsalya Consulting services is that college graduates who already have some work experience in the form of an internship stand out to potential employers. Internship experience made us more marketable as it usually requires less training and can handle more responsibilities. You may also receive a higher starting salary than those who do not have internship experience and are entering the workforce or starting a new career.

Kulbhushan Jivrag


We have learned a lot about our strengths and weaknesses during an internship with Vatsalya Consulting Service. An internship allows us to get feedback from supervisors and others who are established in the field and offer a unique learning opportunity that we may not have again as working adults. Embrace the mistakes we have made as an intern and the many things that are unknown

Netal Hiwale


Vatsalya Consulting Services is the fastest growing consulting services. It give us a chance to enhance our knowledge and improve our skills. It always push us to think more about our work / job. It provides proud services in the field of geotechnical investigation, concrete testing, material testing, NDT etc. I would like to say thanks to the chief consultant Dr. Abhinav Mane sir and team Vatsalya Consulting Services for giving great experience.

Dinesh Doifode


Vatsalya Consulting Services provided good knowledge techniques of geotechnical investigation a comprehensive NABL accredited laboratory setup to evaluate various material properties. We got the opportunity to apply acquired knowledge to real work experiences, witnessing first-hand the day-to-day job duties we can expect to encounter in our chosen field.

Words from our Stakeholders.

Abhinav Mane

Managing Director.

We at ProVatsalya believe in hard work and sincerity. The main objective is to provide opportunities for young and enthusiastic talent to pursue their career in the field of civil engineering. We believe in utilizing the academic knowledge of the potential candidates and see that their efforts are put to better use for the progress and well-being of the individuals as well as the society. In order to ensure that, we always adopt best suitable practices in accordance with standards and provide best quality to our clients. Thus, we are able to deliver the best services to our clients/developers/investors in a cost effective manner. Thereby, we are successful in creating awareness among the people of the need and necessity for geotechnical services and their effectiveness in minimizing the cost of construction on a large-scale. This makes me a proud leader of this aspiring team carrying happy responsibility to provide precise, prompt and cost effective solutions to our clients.

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