Significance of shear strength of soil in Geotechnical Engineering

Teja Munaga


Mar 10, 2023


Significance of shear strength of soil in Geotechnical Engineering

1 Minute Read

Shear strength of soil is crucial in geotechnical engineering as it helps determine the stability of slopes, foundations, retaining walls, tunnels and dams.

Shear strength is an important property of soil that plays a crucial role in geotechnical engineering. It is defined as the maximum shear stress that a soil can sustain without failure or rupture. Understanding the shear strength of soil is critical for designing safe and stable structures such as buildings, bridges, dams, and tunnels.

ProVatsalya blogger


Teja Munaga


Laboratory test on Soil


Geotechnical engineering

soil testing

strength of soil

engineering properties of soil


shear strength

shear stress

load carrying capacity

Published On

Mar 10, 2023

1 Minute Read

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Significance of specific gravity of soil in geotechnical engineering

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